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People love to be appreciated.

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about showing appreciation and gratitude to those that help you. It’s not something that I have always been great at, but it’s something that my girlfriend Stacy does really well, and she has inspired me to think about it and work a little harder to show more gratitude to those around me that have helped me. I think doing this can make a big difference in business and in life. So I’m trying to to make showing my appreciation more of a habit.

I really believe that showing your appreciation and gratitude to others and to the universe shifts your state of being. People will want to be around you more, to work with you, to grow with you. It’s so important to practice this skill.

In that spirit, I thank all of you for listening to the show, for sharing the show, for shooting me emails or messages on social media saying you’ve enjoyed the show or that it has helped you in some way.

Time is the only commodity that we can’t get back, so show your appreciation for others’ time and vocalize it.

[smart_track_player url=”” title=”Showing Appreciation To Those That Help You” image=”” color=”#de4b9b” ]

Some things we learn in this podcast:

  • Showing appreciation takes self awareness [1:50]
  • Why you should show appreciation for brain picking [2:25]
  • The value of a handwritten thank you note [3:15]
  • Why you should acknowledge appreciation publicly [3:40]
  • How to be specific in your gratitude [4:05]
  • Why it’s important to be helpful in return [4:20]
  • The importance of paying attention [4:35]
  • Why a gift can be nice [4:55]
  • Or try making a gift yourself [5:30]
  • Why you have to show respect for other people’s time [5:45]
  • Everyone loves being fed [6:05]

Links mentioned:


108: Nick Onken – Showing Appreciation To Those That Help You

infuse your vision with a fresh breath of  creativity and vitality


masterfully aligning perception and reality through personal branding 



infuse your vision with a fresh breath of  creativity and vitality

People love to be appreciated.

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about showing appreciation and gratitude to those that help you. It’s not something that I have always been great at, but it’s something that my girlfriend Stacy does really well, and she has inspired me to think about it and work a little harder to show more gratitude to those around me that have helped me. I think doing this can make a big difference in business and in life. So I’m trying to to make showing my appreciation more of a habit.

I really believe that showing your appreciation and gratitude to others and to the universe shifts your state of being. People will want to be around you more, to work with you, to grow with you. It’s so important to practice this skill.

In that spirit, I thank all of you for listening to the show, for sharing the show, for shooting me emails or messages on social media saying you’ve enjoyed the show or that it has helped you in some way.

Time is the only commodity that we can’t get back, so show your appreciation for others’ time and vocalize it.

[smart_track_player url=”” title=”Showing Appreciation To Those That Help You” image=”” color=”#de4b9b” ]

Some things we learn in this podcast:

  • Showing appreciation takes self awareness [1:50]
  • Why you should show appreciation for brain picking [2:25]
  • The value of a handwritten thank you note [3:15]
  • Why you should acknowledge appreciation publicly [3:40]
  • How to be specific in your gratitude [4:05]
  • Why it’s important to be helpful in return [4:20]
  • The importance of paying attention [4:35]
  • Why a gift can be nice [4:55]
  • Or try making a gift yourself [5:30]
  • Why you have to show respect for other people’s time [5:45]
  • Everyone loves being fed [6:05]

Links mentioned:


108: Nick Onken – Showing Appreciation To Those That Help You

infuse your vision with a fresh breath of  creativity and vitality


masterfully aligning perception and reality through personal branding 



infuse your vision with a fresh breath of  creativity and vitality