The Ultimate 15-Minute Personal Brand Audit Checklist


Discover What’s Holding You Back from Being Seen as an Authority

Greatness is more about discovering and cultivating our unique talents and gifts to pursue and live our dreams.

On today’s episode, we’ve got something a little different. I’m talking with Lewis Howes, who is the first ever returning guest on NIONradio.

Lewis is a very good friend of mine, and has had a very big influence in my life. He is actually the one that inspired me to start this very podcast. He’s a lifestyle entrepreneur who has built a business around finding out what makes people great.

Today he’s releasing his new book, The School of Greatness, which is all about creating greatness in your life and business. It’s a great book for creative entrepreneurs, as it focuses on getting that business side of your brain working.

If you want to learn more about Lewis’ story, you can check out episode 6 to learn more about how he got to where he is now.

The difference between first place and second place is usually belief.

[smart_track_player url=”” title=”How To Create Greatness in Your Life and Business” artist=”Lewis Howes” image=”” color=”#de4b9b” ]

Some things we learn in this podcast:

  • Why he wanted a photo of himself on the cover of his book [4:45]
  • How the design of his brand has influence his success [6:35]
  • How his definition of greatness has evolved [8:35]
  • How he stays humble and grounded [11:15]
  • The importance of creating your vision [16:10]
  • How to make choices that support your vision [18:15]
  • What is a champion’s mindset [19:40]
  • Why you have to embrace your fears [22:15]
  • How to develop hustle [26:25]
  • How making your bed can change your life [27:45]

Links mentioned:

Connect with Lewis Instagram | Twitter | Website


67: Lewis Howes – How To Create Greatness in Your Life and Business

infuse your vision with a fresh breath of  creativity and vitality


masterfully aligning perception and reality through personal branding 



infuse your vision with a fresh breath of  creativity and vitality

Greatness is more about discovering and cultivating our unique talents and gifts to pursue and live our dreams.

On today’s episode, we’ve got something a little different. I’m talking with Lewis Howes, who is the first ever returning guest on NIONradio.

Lewis is a very good friend of mine, and has had a very big influence in my life. He is actually the one that inspired me to start this very podcast. He’s a lifestyle entrepreneur who has built a business around finding out what makes people great.

Today he’s releasing his new book, The School of Greatness, which is all about creating greatness in your life and business. It’s a great book for creative entrepreneurs, as it focuses on getting that business side of your brain working.

If you want to learn more about Lewis’ story, you can check out episode 6 to learn more about how he got to where he is now.

The difference between first place and second place is usually belief.

[smart_track_player url=”” title=”How To Create Greatness in Your Life and Business” artist=”Lewis Howes” image=”” color=”#de4b9b” ]

Some things we learn in this podcast:

  • Why he wanted a photo of himself on the cover of his book [4:45]
  • How the design of his brand has influence his success [6:35]
  • How his definition of greatness has evolved [8:35]
  • How he stays humble and grounded [11:15]
  • The importance of creating your vision [16:10]
  • How to make choices that support your vision [18:15]
  • What is a champion’s mindset [19:40]
  • Why you have to embrace your fears [22:15]
  • How to develop hustle [26:25]
  • How making your bed can change your life [27:45]

Links mentioned:

Connect with Lewis Instagram | Twitter | Website


67: Lewis Howes – How To Create Greatness in Your Life and Business

infuse your vision with a fresh breath of  creativity and vitality


masterfully aligning perception and reality through personal branding 



infuse your vision with a fresh breath of  creativity and vitality